Community Services

The team at Dental Associates of Marlborough is dedicated to giving back to our community. With that in mind, we wanted to let you know about various community events and volunteer projects that we support. Come out to one of these events and meet our friendly and compassionate team.
Free Dental Clinic
Together with local vendors, we hold an annual Free Community Dental Clinic for Kids to provide cleanings and dental hygiene education in a fun and inviting atmosphere. In addition to getting dental care, kids can also enjoy delicious treats, face paintings and balloon animals with Clarity, our very own clown.

Dental Education Programs
Seeking to provide local children with healthy smiles, Dr. Nehra and his team offer dental education programs for local child care programs, public and private schools, and parenting groups.
College Scholarships
Every year, we offer 4 scholarship opportunities to local college bound teens. To apply for one of the scholarships, contact our office and ask our team members about how to apply.
Child ID Program
Working with the Marlborough Police Department and the Marlborough Education Association, our office offers free Child Identification Programs for parents and guardians of children up to grade six can receive a bite registration that also contains a DNA sample, video and voice recording, and a copy of fingerprints.
“We’re doing this to help children. If there was ever a time when a child was lost, these things would be able to help their parents and the police find the child,” Rebecca Hazard, a dental assistant with the practice, said. “It’s one of those things that is not such a happy thing to think about in reality, but if anything were to ever happen, parents would have the information.”
No appointments are necessary. Parents or guardians will be asked to sign a consent form upon arrival. After the package is assembled, parents will be armed with an assortment of identification abilities. Dr. Nehra said the video recording will be an important component of the entire package. Not only will it provide a reference for the child’s voice, but the video will also show information including height, weight, and quirky personality traits. Each child will answer a series of 10 questions for the recording.
Halloween Candy Buy Back
Each year we sponsor a Halloween Candy Buy Back program to benefit our troops. During the event, kids can receive $1 for every pound of candy for up to 5 pounds of Halloween candy that they surrender to our office.
All the purchased candy was donated to our troops with the help of Operation Gratitude.